AG30 Fulvic Blend.
AquaBoostAG30 FB is formulated with high quality fulvic acid designed to released locked-up phosphorous, zinc and other nutrients.
AquaBoostAG30 FB promotes healthy soil organisms by creating an environment conducive to strong soil biology.
Fulvic acid also stimulates the plants own auxin production and enhances the ability of plasma membrane to sense other natural growth hormones. Fulvic acid not only stimulates cell division and growth but also gives plants better drought tolerance and higher yields.
AquaBoostAG30 FB is a patented polymer solution which increases irrigation and fertiliser efficiency by altering soil hydraulics, slowing the infiltration of moisture through the soil profile, promoting lateral spread and maintaining water and nutrients in the root zone for a longer period.
AquaBoostAG30 FB, by encouraging the lateral spread of water through the soil profile, interrupts the natural tendency of water to follow pathways of least resistance. Maintaining a body of water around the roots helps prevent salt uptake.
AquaBoostAG30 FB has been shown to significantly reduce irrigation requirements and associated water and power costs. AquaBoostAG30 FB has consistently been shown to produce crops of higher quality and greater yield.