Trial Results.
AquaBoost has been trialled and tested on most irrigated crops and has resulted not just in higher yields and better quality produce but also substantial savings in energy inputs and nutrients. Richard Wheaton, onion grower from Tailem Bend, commented: “I use the AquaBoost range of products for seed coat, soil wet-up pre-plant and subsequent irrigation through the growing season. AquaBoost is easy to use and has many benefits – especially in my hard-to-wet mallee sands”.
— Richard Wheaton, Onion Grower
Crops lose much of their nutrient through the percolation of moisture through the soil and past the root zone. It makes good sense to hold fertiliser and nutrients in the root zone for as long as possible to ensure the benefits are maximised. AquaBoost slows the infiltration of water and ensures good lateral spread of moisture which results in the nutrients being made available for longer periods. Darren Zimmerman of Small Gully Wines and Oscar Estate noted when using AquaBoost: “We immediately noticed lateral spread from the drippers and improved moisture retention. AquaBoost allows us to match crop demand with water use”.
— Darren Zimmerman, Small Gully Wines and Oscar Estate
Moisture monitoring of treated crops at many sites has shown that use of AquaBoost can smooth out the wet-dry cycle of irrigation and result in consistently more uniform crops. Potatoes grown were shown to be more uniform with more premium produce and greater pack-out in treated areas. Alistair Walmsley-Cotham, potato grower from Peebinga has been using AquaBoost on pivot-grown potatoes said: “We have noted better wet-up and moisture retention and more uniform pack-out”.